Chestnut Spinney Trophy Cam Gallery

- pictures of nightime wildlife taken with motion sensitive IR camera

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 Trophy Cam Gallery

Winter: Jan - March 2012

Fox abd badger at pond

Fox and badger at pond
Dancing mouse

Dancing mouse
Lots of badgers

Lots and lots of badgers: main set
Busy busy badger M1

Busy busy badger M1
Proud Fox

Proud Fox
Badger confrontation

Badger confrontation
Badgers coming and going

Badgers coming and going

Spring/Summer/Autumn: May - September 2012

Badger Action Main Set

Badger Action Main Set
Fox Cubs at Dawn and at Dusk

Fox Cubs at Dusk and at Night
Badger digging up my Grass

Badger digging up my Grass

Winter: 2013

Two Muntjak in the Snow

Two Muntjak in the Snow
Badgers like Peanuts

Badgers like Peanuts
Badgers at Dawn

Badgers at Dawn

Spring: Autumn: 2014

Posing Rabbit

Posing Rabbit
Badgers on the Lawn

Badgers on the Lawn

Spring: 2015

Baby Badger
Baby Badgers


Deep Digging
Deep Digging by the May Trees
Baby Foxes spook the Muntjaks
Coming and Going
Coming and Going


Mother and babies
Mother and Babies
Two Greedy Badgers
Too Greedy Badgers
Big Fella up close
Big Fella up close
Water Vole
Water Vole
Scary Muntjak
Scary Muntjak